Stress Management

Adrenal Hormones - 5 Herbs to Balance Hormones Naturally

Are you having trouble balancing your hormones?  You’ve tried prescription drugs, but you’re having negative side effects.  Or the drug isn't working? Are you interested in a more natural approach? You’ve tried balancing hormones naturally and it's still not working for you? Well, we want to give you the top five adrenal hormone balancing herbs for women. These herbs will help balance the hormones that are commonly affected in adrenal fatigue sufferers.


Top 5 Herbs For Adrenal Hormone Balance

1. Shatavari

Shatavari is an herb mostly used in ayurvedic medicine. It is known as a female tonic and it's good for all female hormones. This herb supports energy levels and is a very nourishing herb that supports adrenal hormones.

2.  Tulsi or Holy Basil

Most people have seen this herb used in teas. Tulsi is energizing so it's a good morning tea. It supports your adrenals and nervous system.

3. Chaste Tree Berry

Chaste Tree Berry is mostly used for female hormones. These female hormones are often affected by adrenal fatigue. So Chaste Tree Berry is good for balancing menstrual cycles and the hormones LH and FSH number.

4. Licorice Root


Licorice Root supports healthy estrogen levels. It supports adrenal hormones and it’s very nourishing. It makes for a great tea. If you have frequent sugar cravings this is a great way to curb those cravings. Licorice root also promotes liver detox.

5. Rhodiola

Rhodiola is very supportive for adrenal hormones, your thyroid and energy levels.

So, there you go the top 5 adrenal hormone balancing herbs for women.

Now, we’d love to hear from you. You are a part of our community and your shares could be just what someone else needs to hear. So please take a moment to drop us a line below.

We’d love to know. What herbs are you most interested in trying?

Or which of these herbs have you tried and been most supportive?


Dr. Holly German

Holidays with Adrenal Fatigue: 5 Tips to Survive and Thrive

Why is it that when we are supposed to be celebrating tradition and spending quality time with family and friends we find ourselves ridiculously busy, stress and on the verge of burnout? The holidays can be a challenging time even for the healthiest of people. When you have adrenal fatigue the added stress that the holiday season brings can lead to major adrenal burnout and flare-ups. Here are 5 secrets to surviving the holidays with adrenal fatigue (and make sure you stay till the end, we want to give you a special holiday gift. It's a lifesaver).

Tip #1 byof

Bring Your Own Food. The holidays are filled with get-togethers focused around food. If you are suffering from food intolerances or allergies as a result of your adrenal fatigue, you most likely have had to give some foods up along the way. If so, you know how frustrating it can be to go to these gatherings. Bringing your own food means that you can still enjoy food and you don’t have to feel like you’re missing out the entire time.

If you’ve been following me for a while you know that on my adrenal fatigue healing journey I gave up many foods. Actually, the only thing I never gave up eating is vegetables. I gave up dairy, meat, sugar, gluten, grains, you name it I tried it. Not just for a couple weeks, but for months and sometimes even years at a time. And just for the record I am not suggesting that or believe you need to give up a bunch of foods in order to heal your adrenal fatigue. But I get what you’re going through and that’s why I always bring food with me, wherever I go.

I am not suggesting that or believe you need to give up a bunch of foods in order to heal your adrenal fatigue. But I get what you’re going through. That’s why I always bring food with me, wherever I go.

What are your favorite alternative food choices that you don’t want to live without during the holidays? Do you have a good or funny story about sharing your specialty foods with your loved ones?

Tip #2 Boost Your Immune System

During the holiday we do more traveling to the mall, to the supermarket, to events and get-togethers which all bring opportunities to come into contact with germs and other icky bugs that might be lurking around. And because as adrenal fatigue sufferers we already have compromised immune systems, we might be more susceptible and find ourselves constantly “under the weather” at this time of year.  Not good! Getting sick would put a huge damper on our capacity to celebrate.

Be pro-active about your health this season.  Keep yourself healthy by doing a few things to boost the immune system. Go to sleep just a bit earlier than usual each night. Cut down on the sugar intake when you aren’t out celebrating and (this is one of my favorites) use essential oils to protect yourself. Personally, I use the Doterra Oil called Onguard. This oil can be used internally to support the immune and respiratory system and can also be used externally as a non-toxic cleaner to protect against environmental threats. I use it at the first sign of the sniffles or as a preventive by diffusing it in the house or adding a few drops of distilled water and spraying down germ-infested areas like the airplane seat or grocery cart. I am not saying to walk around being a germaphobe to the point where you create anxiety for yourself or others, but simply being prepared can reduce your risk AND make you feel more in control and empowered.

My other favorite immune boosting ritual is drinking Echinacea tea or taking an Echinacea extract, which you can find at a health food store. Some people like Emergen-C or Airborne which are also great options. What essential vitamins and supplements support your immune system? Make sure you don’t forget to take them.

Tip #3 Don’t Fall Into the Crazy Trap

When everyone around you is running around like a crazy person trying to get everything done it’s easy to feel like that is what you are supposed to do too. Just because our society buys into the belief that this time of year has to be crazy, doesn’t mean that it’s true, or that it has to be true for you—no matter what the people around you are doing.   I am telling you that it is possible to avoid that trap. What if you could be that person in line at the supermarket or at the mall while everyone else is huffing and puffing, saying rude things to the checker or just acting annoyed, who is stays cool, calm and collected? You can be an example of what else is possible. And as Gandhi would say “Be the change you want to see in the world”.

Tip # 4 Do Your Shopping Online

We have such a luxury now that didn’t exist even 10 –years-ago where you can pretty much buy anything online that you need. So unless you enjoy being out and about this time of year or you have a great deal of patience consider doing all your shopping this year from the convenience of your own cozy couch. Get yourself a cup of your favorite tea, put on some calming music and shop away.  There are lots of options for online shopping these days—it’s not Amazon or nothing. So if you like to shop small or local, check to see if your favorite physical shops have websites…these days you’d be surprised at how many do!

Tip #5 Emotionally Prepare for Your Loved Ones

No matter how close we are to our loved ones or how much we love seeing them during the holidays, it doesn’t negate the fact that family has the ability to bring up a lot of our old “stuff” including limiting beliefs about ourselves, insecurities, failures, etc.

Prepare yourself emotionally by taking some time before you see them to center yourself. Say positive affirmations to yourself. Remind yourself how amazing you are and that your old choices no longer define who you are. Get plenty of sleep and visualize yourself having positive and loving interactions with these people.

I have just given you 5 easy tips to surviving the holidays with adrenal fatigue.

Now I’d love to hear from you. What things do you do to guarantee more fun and less stress during the holidays? How do you avoid flair up during the holidays? What has been the most helpful piece of information shared here?

Please share this blog with friends, family and/or colleagues you feel could benefit from this information.

All my best,


Energizing Without Coffee

One of the most obvious symptoms of adrenal fatigue is just that.. fatigue. If you have been struggling with this condition, then the thought of finding energy with stimulants like coffee might seem far fetched. For me, coffee was a crutch I leaned on for years.

I won't lie, I consider myself a coffee lover at the core of my being. However,  when I was struggling with adrenal fatigue and hormonal imbalance, my relationship with coffee NEEDED to change. Making an adjustment to my relationship with this adrenal depleting stimulant was an integral part of my recovery.

And just as coffee is a habit, I started creating some new morning habits that ignited energy  from within.  I used the tips below to support my body (and my recovery) while I made the transition.

Key Tips for Energizing Without Coffee

1.Nix the "I'm tired" mentality.

The more you tell yourself, "I'm exhausted", and "I NEED a coffee right now",  the more it becomes true. Instead of focusing on how tired you are, start affirming "I'm full of vibrant energy", "I am healthy and energized". Say affirmations like this to yourself (with heart!) 5 times and I know you'll feel a shift. It might seem silly, but this is powerful!

2. Use food as fuel.


Food actually is fuel, but sometimes we don't really see it that way. When you eat the right foods, in the right amounts- it should actually energize you, not make you tired. Having a healthy, protein-rich breakfast and keeping healthy snacks on hand to help control your blood sugar throughout the day is one of the best ways to use foods to fuel good energy throughout the day. Click here to learn more about how to eat to beat fatigue!

3. Drink adaptogenic herbal tea.

These will actually energize your body, while providing great nutrition for you and your adrenals. Some of my favourite adaptogenic teas include Tulsi or Holy Basil, Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, Reishi Mushroom, Lemon Balm, Ginseng, Nettle and Schisandra Berries.

4. Find comfort in coffee-like alternatives. 

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When switching from coffee, I found that even though the adaptogenic teas I was drinking were lovely, they weren't quite filling the dark and creamy void of coffee. I found that roasted dandelion root tea, matcha or chai rooibos tea were really nice alternatives. I'd often froth up some coconut milk and enjoy these tea's latte style, this helped a lot!

5. Stay hydrated! 

Dehydration is a pretty exhausting state for the body to be in; staying hydrated can actually help your raise your energy levels. Make sure to drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water daily, and remember to sip slowly (instead of chugging) so you can maximize nutrient absorption.

Check out our Co-Founder Angela, discussing more tips and tricks on how to get energized without coffee! 

Improve Digestion With Adrenal Fatigue

So most likely if you’re suffering from adrenal fatigue you have experienced poor digestion at one time or another. Maybe you've even had to give up certain foods because you have developed food sensitivities or allergies? That was me just a few years ago. And if you have poor digestion you know how uncomfortable it can be. And to make matters worse, poor digestion can have many other side effects like toxic buildup, poor gut health and poor nutrient absorption, so it’s not something you want to ignore. I will be sharing 5 simple ways to improve digestion with adrenal fatigue. So, lets dive in!

1. Chew slowly and chew well!

So simple right? You might not know this but the process of digestion starts right away in the mouth. An enzyme, amylase in saliva helps the initial digestion of foods, particularly starches.

2. Add Glycosaminoglycans

Glycosaminoglycans are found in things like bone broth and gelatin. They help build healthy nutrients for the gut.

3. Eating Fermented Foods Regularly & Consider a High-Quality Probiotic

Fermented foods include natural probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria you need in your digestive tract in order to properly digest your food and help with nutrient absorption.

If you’re like me and grew up taking antibiotics, that kill beneficial bacteria in the gut, most likely you lack these beneficial bacteria critical for proper digestion. Of course antibiotics have their place, but it just means we need to be proactive about adding the good bacteria back in. We recommend taking a high quality probiotic at least 2-3x/week.

4. Add in Resistant Starches

Resistant starches are a type of dietary fiber naturally found in many carbohydrate-rich foods such as potatoes, grains and beans.  Resistant starches increase your body's ability to burn fat, fills you up and reduces overall hunger. Its health benefits are truly impressive as well. Studies show it improves blood sugar control, boosts immunity, and may even reduce your risk of cancer.

5. Drink Warm Lemon Water or Apple Cider Vinegar Before Meals

Lemon juice is similar to the digestive juices found in the stomach. When you drink lemon juice the liver produces bile, which helps food move through your gastrointestinal tract easily.

Apple cider vinegar is loaded with raw enzymes and gut-friendly bacteria we just talked about that promote gut health and healing.

So I’ve just given you 5 simple ways to improve digestion with adrenal fatigue.

Now I would love to hear from you in the comments below. What is your burning question? Or what has been the most helpful way you’ve improved your digestion? This is a healing community and your comments could be just what someone else needs to hear. So please take a moment to drop us a line below.


Dr. Holly German

For more great health tips check out:

Treat Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue with Magnesium

Whether you’re here because you’ve heard about the importance of magnesium with adrenal fatigue, but you’re not sure why or how to use it. Or maybe you’ve taken magnesium and it didn’t help with your insomnia or other symptoms as promised and you're trying to get more information. Don’t completely rule out magnesium for treating your symptoms of adrenal fatigue just yet. Even if magnesium didn’t help with your insomnia it doesn’t mean you still couldn’t benefit a great deal from this amazing mineral. Today, we are answering 5 important questions about magnesium.

The truth is studies show 50% of Americans are deficient in magnesium.
Magnesium deficiency is not something to ignore since it contributes to many health problems and diseases such as heart disease, stroke, adrenal fatigue, diabetes, fibromyalgia and infertility. Also, it is important to consider that maybe the reason you didn’t notice any benefits was because you weren’t able to properly absorb the magnesium. Absorption of magnesium is an issue and I will address a solution in a minute.

This mineral is powerful, so powerful that hospitals use it regularly for life-threatening and emergency situations like seizures and heart failure. It’s so important that it is a critical “medication” on the crash cart.

Watch this video or continue reading.

1. Why are 50% of Americans deficient in magnesium?

Even though the RDA requirement for magnesium is only 300 mg a day, some doctors believe this requirement is low.

Most people would benefit from 400 -1000 mg a day. It is said that the average person gets less than 200 mg a day. Why is our magnesium intake so low? First, the American diet is made up of highly processed foods and foods high in white flour, dairy and meat. Each of these common foods have no magnesium.

Second, magnesium is often poorly absorbed and easily lost from our bodies. Sometimes our bodies are able to absorb certain forms of magnesium easier than others, so it’s important to try several forms before ruling it out.

To further complicate the issue, magnesium levels decrease with excess coffee, alcohol, soda, stress, diarrhea, antibiotics, and medications to treat acid reflux, which are common substances we consume in this culture.

Also, to properly absorb magnesium we need quite a bit of magnesium in our diet, plus enough vitamin B6, vitamin D, and selenium to work with in order for us to properly absorb magnesium. 

2. How to tell if you’re deficient?

Do you have difficulty falling asleep? Do you wake up easily?

Do you get cramps or stiffness regularly?

Do you find fluids pass through you easily?

Do you often have cold hands and feet?

Do you get muscle twitches?

If you answered “yes” to most of these statements, chances are you aren’t getting enough magnesium in your diet.

Common symptoms of mineral deficiency are anxiety, adrenal fatigue, acid reflex, infertility, high blood pressure, constipation, migraines, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), inflammation and insomnia.

3. Why is magnesium so important particularly for adrenal fatigue sufferers?

Magnesium is important in order to achieve optimal health for anyone, but particularly important for those suffering from adrenal fatigue. Here’s why… Stress is a common issue for adrenal fatigue sufferers, right? It’s the root cause of adrenal fatigue, whether we are talking about physical stress, emotional stress, chemical stress or mental stress. Stress causes the adrenals to become fatigued and work less optimally, making it harder for you to handle more stress.

As adrenal fatigue sufferers, we need all the help we can get to counteract the chemical effects that stress has on our bodies, particularly our adrenals. This is where Magnesium comes in.

Magnesium is a relaxing mineral that allows the chemicals in our bodies to come back into balance after the hormone surge of the stress response. The flood of hormones created by the stress response is great for survival but is only meant to be short term. Magnesium can help the body, particularly the muscles relax and heal after the stress response.

Stress isn’t the only thing magnesium is good for. According to Dr. Hyman “This critical mineral is actually responsible for over 300 enzyme reactions and is found in all of your tissues — but mainly in your bones, muscles, and brain. You must have it for your cells to make energy, for many different chemical pumps to work, to stabilize membranes, and to help muscles relax”. We all know that having enough energy to get through the day is one of the top symptoms of adrenal fatigue.

4. Why in theory magnesium can help improve your sleep.

There are receptors in the brain and nervous system called GABA receptors. The GABA receptors are neurotransmitters that the brain needs to switch “off”. And guess what mineral allows these GABA receptors to function properly? You guessed it, magnesium. If we don’t switch our brains to “off” then we remain tense and our thoughts race, keeping us up at night staring at the ceiling. Sound familiar?

I just shared with you why you should consider using magnesium to treat your symptoms of adrenal fatigue. Now we want to help you incorporate this important mineral easily into your diet.

5. How do I use magnesium effectively?

Discover how to use magnesium effectively in our Magnesium InfoSheet. All you have to do is enter you name and email below and we will send the infosheet right to your inbox. The infosheet includes a list of magnesium-rich foods and magnesium supplement recommendations from our team of specialists.

Now I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. Have you used magnesium? What did you notice? And what has been the most helpful piece of information shared here? This is a healing community and your comments could be just what someone else needs to hear. So take a moment to drop us a line below.

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